
Monday, December 6, 2010

Checkin' My List

As my son has so excitedly been saying lately, "I'm on the NAUGHTY list!" Thank you Classic Christmas cd for teaching my child to be excited about being on the naughty list... I think we need to have a chat about what the naughty list actually means! ;)

When it comes to December's To-do list, I'm pretty sure I've made the naughty list.  There's so many things to do and I haven't started a thing!

Does your to-do list look like this?

No? Well mine doesn't either anymore, I've thankfully moved on to a nicer, more crisp notebook which will soon be destroyed as well!

Well I'm ready to start checking stuff off my list! Yes... it really looks like this, see all those lonely boxes!? I have SO much left to do!

Thank you Shutterfly for making my life a little easier! Have you heard about their 2010 Holiday Card collection promotion? No? Well seriously jump on over here and sign up! You have until this Friday to register. 

So not only will I be checking off "Order Christmas Cards" thanks to Shutterfly's adorable line of Christmas Photo Cards I'll be doing it in style!

Look at some of these... so fun!

I'll also be crossing off 2 gifts! Next on the list is a great personalized gift- Photo Calender for the Grandparents of the fam. Can't go wrong with pictures of the grandkids right!? But shhh... don't tell, we can't spoil the surprise. :)

And last but definitely not least I'll finally be crossing off the mound of Thank you's I'll need to write after the holidays with Shutterfly's great selection of photo cards

This post is part of the Shutterfly 2010 Holiday Photo Card Promotion. See details here.