
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

30 days: Day 1 A Recent Photo of Myself

A rarity that I have a recent photo of myself. We were just leaving the Great Train Expo in Puyallup a couple weekends ago.

If you haven't noticed I've been in a blogging funk... again. So this will hopefully get me jump started and it's so fun to meet others so join in here...

all about me


  1. You look so dang cute in hats!! Did I mention how much fun it was so see you and the kids last week?! Must do again soon! :)

  2. You look so dang cute in hats!! Did I mention how much fun it was so see you and the kids last week?! Must do again soon! :)

  3. I am feeling the blog funk too! Hopefully this gets us both blogging more :)

    Your newest follower :)

  4. Thank you Meagan! It was a complete blast- a definite must do soon! And HI Stephanie!

  5. I think this might just be my favorite pic of you! I love hats and you are rocking it! Gorgeous Stacey!
