
Friday, November 5, 2010

Crushing on Washington and other Randomness...

Remember my 79 cent shutters? Hard to forget aren't they! I think I've figured out what to do with them, simple and quick but hopefully cute!

Well look what else I found at the same thrift store...

I so fell in love with the rustic wood and my living room is in need of some major decorations, I thought for sure it would be the perfect size for this picture.

And it is, but wait! Take a step back...

And one more step. Look! I think I may actually like the painting that's in there.

Am I crazy?! Do you agree?

The hubster agrees so I think we may leave it... are we both crazy?!

It reminds me of this picture I took last weekend while skipping church with a sick little one.  I continue to be amazed by the beauty in this area! I feel so blessed to have lived in so many great places. 

And I don't think I'll ever tire of taking pictures of this Mountain or according to rugrat #2 "The dormant volcano."  These were taken straight from the car- I'm totally having a WA state crush!

Next time maybe I should back up or get out of the car so I don't cut out the tree :)

More crushing, if only it would stay this sunny for the whole year :)

And what's even funnier, after editing and playing with these pictures Sunday eve, I'm noticing a color trend, so maybe the painting was meant to be!?

Randomness for sure! If you made it this far have a happy weekend!


  1. I think one of YOUR photos would look great in the frame. Nice!

  2. Love the frame! The painting is cool, but I agree with Rach, you should put one of your photos in it...would make it more personal. And they turned out so great, how could you not frame them?!
