
Monday, November 29, 2010

All about Me Day 3: Favorite Movie

Wow so that regular blogging thing isn't really happening, but here's day 3 a few days late...

All time favorite movie...

Top Gun!!!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

30 days: Day 2 My Favorite Song

So hard to pick just one!

I LoVe any and all Christmas music, I'd listen to it all year round if I could- oh wait sometimes I do. :) Christmas music brings such a great feeling of peace.  If I had to pick an absolute favorite it would be "Silent Night"

My other top favs-

I Stand All Amazed
An Amen Kinda Love- Daryl Singletary
Anything Garth Brooks- I LOVE Garth
Twinkle Little Star- because Micah and Hallie love it

And the list goes on...

all about me

30 days: Day 1 A Recent Photo of Myself

A rarity that I have a recent photo of myself. We were just leaving the Great Train Expo in Puyallup a couple weekends ago.

If you haven't noticed I've been in a blogging funk... again. So this will hopefully get me jump started and it's so fun to meet others so join in here...

all about me

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Let's get this party started!

Hi. Remember me? I have such a horrible habit of disappearing for weeks at a time! Don't worry, as usual I've been crafting like crazy, right now I'm on the mission to clear out my fabric stash so I can justify some black Friday finds!

I'm SO ready for the holidays, how about you? To get them started I'm having a great special on our cozies! 

Purchase 2 Cozies for just $14! or 3 for $20!

You can find them in my shop here
Stock up now for great Christmas gifts for teachers, friends, family, or better yet yourself! Just add a gift card to your coffee shop of choice and you've got a great gift for just about anyone.

And I couldn't be more excited about some great new items including great hair accessories, bags, sippy cup leashes, and more that will make their appearance following Thanksgiving.
Could I throw a few more exclamation points in there!? Just did :) I'm a little excited if you couldn't tell. :) 

Are you still with me?  Good. You'll be glad.

Many of the items pictured here and here are still for sale, they will be making an appearance at a little craft show in Eastern WA before Thanksgiving, unless you tell me differently! Just email if interested or check back on my shop next week!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Crushing on Washington and other Randomness...

Remember my 79 cent shutters? Hard to forget aren't they! I think I've figured out what to do with them, simple and quick but hopefully cute!

Well look what else I found at the same thrift store...

I so fell in love with the rustic wood and my living room is in need of some major decorations, I thought for sure it would be the perfect size for this picture.

And it is, but wait! Take a step back...

And one more step. Look! I think I may actually like the painting that's in there.

Am I crazy?! Do you agree?

The hubster agrees so I think we may leave it... are we both crazy?!

It reminds me of this picture I took last weekend while skipping church with a sick little one.  I continue to be amazed by the beauty in this area! I feel so blessed to have lived in so many great places. 

And I don't think I'll ever tire of taking pictures of this Mountain or according to rugrat #2 "The dormant volcano."  These were taken straight from the car- I'm totally having a WA state crush!

Next time maybe I should back up or get out of the car so I don't cut out the tree :)

More crushing, if only it would stay this sunny for the whole year :)

And what's even funnier, after editing and playing with these pictures Sunday eve, I'm noticing a color trend, so maybe the painting was meant to be!?

Randomness for sure! If you made it this far have a happy weekend!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Shutter Envy

That's what you'll have after I tell you how much I paid for these beauties! My mouth almost hit the floor when she told me the price at the counter... don't know about you, but when thrift stores/garage sales don't have their things marked they are usually expensive or I'm too scared to ask- I know I'm lame and shy. :) This time I'm glad I asked! And I may now be encouraged to ask every time...

79 cents!!!!
that's $1.58 total $1.71 if you guesstimate WA sales tax in there (No clue what I actually pay now, I need to stop moving!)

Seriously.  That's less than $2 for this delicious soon-to-be-something-great-in-my-house.  Shutter envy I know!

And here's where you come in...

I have Shutter Envy with all of these amazing shutter projects...

This one from Tortoise and the Hare...

And because of my terminal rental status, I can only dream of this one found at Olive and Love...

Love what Paisley Wallpaper did with her shutters here.

And what Allison at A Glimpse Inside did with her shutters- love the color contrast!

Or this creative clutter hider at Crafty Nest...

Or this great message board at How Does She?

Now I have some serious shutter envy! I could go on and on, but Target is calling and I must respond!

What to do, what to do...  Thoughts?

Monday, November 1, 2010

Railroad Crossing Sign

Anyone have a little Engineer like I do?  One that can spot a train from a mile away? One that remembers where every potential railroad crossing is in the state? :)

Well then he or she will probably love this addition to their room or playroom as much as my "Mr. Conductor" does!

This sign is so simple it will be hard NOT to make one for your little engineer!

First gather your supplies:

**I will include the dimensions and supplies I used, but one of the reasons I love this project is that it is easily adapted to whatever supplies you have on hand or whatever is easily attainable! I'll include suggestions in parentheses.**
2- 2.75"x22" pieces of 1/8"  (you could use 2 pieces of thin plywood from your local craft store found in the wood/dollhouse aisle OR use white foam board)
1- sheet of card stock (you could use vinyl, purchase pre-cut vinyl letters from office aisle, or print and cut letters from word document)
White paint
Modge Podge
Foam Paint Brush
Wood Glue
Staple Gun

1.  Attach your 2 pieces of wood together.

Line them up by eye-balling it or if you want to be exact use and angle.  I glued them together and added 5 staples just to make sure it wasn't going anywhere. 

2.  Paint your board.  Spray paint or acrylic craft paint will do the trick.

3.  Cut out your letters.  
I used my Cricut with black cardstock and the Plantin Schoolbook cartridge set at 3 inches. But remember you could easily use vinyl, purchase pre-cut vinyl letters from office aisle, or print and cut letters from word document.  I would strongly suggest cutting out one letter before doing all to be sure you have the right size. :)

4.  Glue your letters on using Modge Podge.

Do one coat under letters gluing as you go...

And a 2nd coat to seal and coat all the letters...

5.  To hang your sign I used Command Velcro Strips (Love them!)

Enjoy it in all it's glory!

Best part of the project for me?  No money out of pocket! I used all supplies I had on hand... seriously cute and seriously cheap!

edited again! sorry I've posted this same post 4 times now! I should know by now to preview before posting!